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For Mother’s Day – Help Your Mom With Her Home Comfort

Do-It-Yourself projects are just that: for yourself. But in honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday, Ontario Energy Group wants you to help our around the house – your mother’s house. Spend your weekend helping your mom improve her home comfort with these energy saving home improvements. Nothing shows you care like doing your chores, right?

Do Some Home Gardening

Not only does adding some tree’s to your mom’s landscape give Mother’s Day that personal touch, it’s also a great way to help the environment and save on your mom’s energy bills down the road.

holding-hands-mothers-dayOntario in particular gets hot during the summer. Strategic planting of trees can help produce valuable shade for the house. Now your mom can keep the AC on low during the summer and enjoy natural cooling all season long.

There are also many other ways you can use plants at home to improve comfort for your mom.  Learn more about different energy-conscious planting efforts here.

Improve Air Flow and Remove Leaks

This weekend, spend a little time leak-proofing and ventilation your mom’s place. As a gift, it will give you and your mom valuable time together to catch up, talk, and spend that little extra attention and care that gifts can never buy.

If your mom lives in older home, or hasn’t had any repairs done in the last few years, chances are there’s drafts and dust everywhere. Cleaning out air ducts might get your hands dirty, but it’s a great way to improve heating and cooling, the quality of air, and ultimately your mom’s health and comfort. Sealing up drafts can lower her energy costs for heating/cooling by up to 30%, which makes it a valuable gift as well.

Get Her an Energy-Saving Appliance

When a gift is needed for Mother’s Day, nothing sends the right message like an essential item like a new fridge (if the old one is breaking down), or a new air conditioner (for when summer kicks into gear).

When you go that extra mile, make sure you choose energy-efficient appliances for your mom’s home. Not only do the right appliances make perfect gifts, they can complement Spring Renovations; and energy-efficient choices will ensure that it’s not a gift she’ll have to pay for.

Help Her With Repairs around the House

 home-repairs-helpWith all the times our moms cleaned our rooms, made us lunch, and packed our bags, fixing up her things around the house is just one small way you can give back.  There’s a number of tips you can use to help improve the quality of her home comfort, from draining her water tank to replacing her light bulbs.  The sky is really the limit, and the real gift is the time you can spend together on this special day.

Gifts don’t really convey the same message as helping your mom out around the house, and cards don’t add that personal touch like putting in the time and effort to improving your mom’s home for her benefit. So from all of us here at Ontario Energy Group: we encourage you to spend this Mother’s Day helping your mom enjoy the finer things in life, which also enjoying her company. There’s always something we can do for our mothers, so make the day count.