Ontario Energy Group Recognizes Earth Hour 2014

On Saturday, March 29th, Ontario Energy Group will take part in Earth Hour 2014 by turning off all non-essential lights in our offices and in our homes. Some offices will remain with their lights off for the entire weekend where possible.
In addition, we encourage our employees to participate in Earth Hour over the weekend by shutting off their lights and turning off any major electronics that are consuming excess, or phantom power.
While the offset of a carbon footprint is minimal when we go dark for an entire hour, what matters more is the statement we made as a business, and as Canadians, when we commit to reducing our energy consumption. It is a symbolic acknowledgement that action must be taken. It reminds all of us to take a look at our own actions and what we can do, no matter how small it may seem.
Since our founding in 2008, Ontario Energy Group has been at the forefront of providing energy efficient heating and cooling solutions to thousands of customers across Ontario. At the core of our belief is the need to improve home comfort while recognizing the impact humans have had on the environment.
By providing energy efficient alternatives to modern utilities and getting our customers access to government-sponsored rebate programs for energy efficiency, we’ve made our mark as one of the most environmentally friendly home service businesses in Ontario.
On March 29th at 8:30pm, Ontario Energy Group invites you to join us and recognize Earth Hour. By turning off unnecessary lights and electronics for one hour, you’re helping to raise awareness about a global cause to understand and create rule solutions for climate change and environmental issues.
We also would like to invite you to participate in our social media channels leading up to and after this event. We would love to hear the green initiatives you’re undertaking as part of Earth Hour, and we hope to hear some of your green commitments as we move into the spring season.